
%%aligncomposer int

Specify where the composer field is displayed.
A negative value means 'on the left', 0 means 'center', and a positive value means 'on the right'.

T:Tune title C:Here is the composer %%aligncomposer -1 L:1/4 cccc | cccc | cccc |

%%composerfont font [encoding] [size]

T:Tune title C:Here is the composer %%composerfont Bookman-LightItalic 18 L:1/4 cccc | cccc | cccc |

%%composerspace unit

T:Tune title C:Here is the composer %%composerspace -0.5cm L:1/4 cccc | cccc | cccc |

T:Tune title C:Here is the composer %%composerspace 0.5cm L:1/4 cccc | cccc | cccc |

%%begintext with %%endtext

T:tune title L:1/4 %%begintext This text is between the title and the music. %%endtext cccc | cccc | cccc | %%begintext Text inside the music. %%abcdef looks like music - don't forget the "%%" %% The previous line is empty. %%endtext cccc | cccc | cccc | %%begintext Text after the music and associated to the tune. It will not be printed if the tune is not selected. %%endtext

%%center text

M:2/4 L:1/4 K:F FF | FF | FF | FF | FF | FF | %%center This line is centered K:G GG | GG | GG | GG |GG | GG |

%%text text

Print one line of text using the current value of %%textoption.

L:1/4 cccc | %%text Text on the left side

%%textoption text

Set the default text option. This option is used for %%text and the text between %%begintext and %%endtext.
The possible values for keyword are:

M:2/4 L:1/4 %%textoption right cccc | cccc | cccc | %%text Text on the right side. %%textoption center %%text Same as \%\%center


T:tune title R:Valse A:Paris M:4/3 L:1/4 %%infoline 1 K:C ccc | ddd | eee |


Set the vertical space above the first staff.

T:tune title L:1/4 K:C cccc | cccc |
T:tune title %%musicspace 1cm L:1/4 cccc | cccc |

%%soloffs type=value [type=value]*

This command permits to change the horizontal offset of some music type elements that are found at the start of music lines.
type is one of part, tempo or space.
value is the new X offset from the start of the staff in pixels. Its value may be negative

M:none L:1/4 %%leftmargin 3cm %%soloffs part=-20 space=0 K:C P:First part CDEF|GABc| "@-70,20Text before;the staff;on many;lines"y8\ CDEF|GABc| P:Second part cBAG|FEDC|

%%hyphencont bool

If set, when a word of lyric under staff ends with a hyphen, put a hyphen in the next line.

%%pagewidth 12cm L:1/4 cccc | c4 | w:There is a hy-phen.

%%pagewidth 12cm L:1/4 %%hyphencont 0 cccc | c4 | w:There is a hy-phen.

Chinese score

X: 1 T: Xi\vao y\`an zi T: 小燕子 O: China L: 1/8 M: 4/4 K: C [|\ (EG) (cA) G4 | (EG) (Ac) G4 | c3 e d2 c2 | (dc) (Ac) G4 | w: Xi\vao* y\`an* zi, chu\=an* hu\=a* y\=i ni\'an ni\'an ch\=un ti\=an l\'ai* zh\`e* l\vi w: 小* 燕* 子, 穿* 花* 衣, 年 年 春 天 来* 这* 里, E3 G A2 GA | c2 (dG) A4 | (ED) C2 D4 | D2 DE G2 G2 | w: w\vo w\`en y\`an zi n\vi w\`ei sh\'a* l\'ai y\`an* zi shu\=o zh\`e l\vi de ch\=un ti\=an w: 我 问 燕 子* 你 为* 啥 来, 燕 子 说, 这 里 的 春 天 c2 (DE) G4 | (EG) (cA) G4 | (EG) (Ac) G4 | c3 e d2 c2 | w: zu\`i m\vei* l\`i Xi\vao* y\`an* zi g\`ao* su* n\vi j\=in ni\'an zh\`e l\vi w: 最 美* 丽。 小* 燕* 子, 告* 诉* 你 今 年 这 里 (dc) (Ac) G4 | E3 G A2 GA | c2 (dG) A4 | (E3 c) A2 G2 | w: g\`eng* m\vei* l\`i w\vo men g\`ai q\vi le d\`a g\=ong* ch\vang zhu\=ang* sh\`ang le w: 更* 美* 丽 我 们 盖 起 了 大 工* 厂 装* 上 了 (ED) C2 D4 | D3 E G4 | (c3 e) (d2 c2) | dc (GA) c4 |] w: x\=in* j\=i qi hu\=an y\'ing n\vi ch\'ang* q\=i* zh\`u z\`ai zh\`e* l\vi. w: 新* 机 器. 欢 迎 你 长* 期* 住 在 这* 里.